Publications and presentations:

(32) Latifi, R., Minnick, J. L., Quesne, M. G., de Visser, S. P. and Tahsini, L. (2020) “Computational Studies of DNA Base Repair Mechanisms by Nonheme Iron Dioxygenases: Selective Epoxidation and Hydroxylation Pathways.” Dalton Trans. 49, 4266-4276.

(31) Perera H. J, Latifi R, Blum F. D (2019), Development of Structure in Hexadecyltrimethoxysilane Adsorbed on Silica. J. Phys. Chem C, 123, 19005-19012.

(30) Glinton K, Latifi R, Cockrell S. D, Bardeaux M, Nguyen B, Tahsin L (2019). Sonogashira Synthesis, characterization, and photoluminescent studies of three-coordinate Cu(I) NHC complexes bearing unsymmetrically-substituted dipyridylamine ligands. RSC Adv, 9, 22417-22427.

(29) Domyati D, Latifi R, Tahsini L (2018). Sonogashira-type cross-coupling reactions catalyzed by copper complexes of pincer N-heterocyclic carbenes. J. Organomet Chem, 860, 98-105

(28) Singh K, Fennell CJ, Coutsias E, Latifi R, Hartson S, and Weaver JD (2018). Light harvesting for rapid and selective reactions: click chemistry with strain-loadable alkenes. Chem, 4, 124-137.

(27) Singh K, Trinh W, Latifi R, Weaver JD (2018). An elusive thermal [2 + 2] cycloaddition driven by visible light photocatalysis: tapping into strain to access C2-symmetric tricyclic rings. Org. Biomol. Chem. DOI: 110.1039/C8OB01273C.

(26) Domyati D, Hope S, Latifi R, Hearns M, Tahsini L (2016). Cu(I) complexes of pincer pyridine-based N-heterocyclic carbenes with small wingtip substituents: synthesis, structural, and spectroscopic studies. Inorg. Chem. 55, 11685-11693

(25) Gholivand K, Kahnouji M, Latifi R, Fadaei F, Gholami A, Schenk K.J (2016) Synthesis, structure, and catalytic properties of palladium complexes containing bis(phosphino)-amine ligands. Inorg. Chim Acta, 448, 61-69.

(24) Quense M.G, Latifi R, Gonzalez-Ovalle L.E, Kumar D, de Visser S.P. (2014). Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics study on the oxygen binding and substrate hydroxylation step in AlkB repair enzymes. Chem. Eur. J. 20, 435–446.

(23) Rezaeivala M, Keypour H, Salehzadeh S, Latifi R, Chalabian F, Katouzian F (2014). Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of some new Mn(II) and Zn(II) macroacyclic Schiff base complexes derived from two new asymmetrical (N5) branched amines and pyridine-2-carbaldehyde or O-vaniline and their antibacterial properties. J IRAN CHEM SOC, 11:431–440.

From Tufts University, Postdoc Supervisor = Elena. Rybak-Akimova

(22) Boros E, Rybak-Akimova E, Holland J.P, Rietz T, Rotile N, Blasi F, Day H, Latifi R, Caravan P. (2014). Pycup—A Bifunctional, Cage-like Ligand for 64Cu Radiolabeling. Mol. Pharmaceutics, 11, 617–629.

(21) Latifi R, Sainna A.M, Rybak-Akimova E.V, de Visser S.P. (2013). Does hydrogen bonding-donation to manganese(IV)-oxo and iron(IV)-oxo oxidants affect the oxygen atom transfer ability? A computational study. Chem. Eur. J. 19, 4058-4068.

(20) Kumar D, Latifi R, Kumar S, Rybak-Akimova E.V, Sainna A.M, de Visser S.P. (2013). Rationalization of the barrier height for para-Z-styrene epoxidation by iron(IV)-oxo porphyrins with variable axial ligands. Inorg. Chem. 52, 7968-7979.

(19) Widger, L; Jiang, Y; Siegler, M; Kumar, D; Latifi, R; de Visser, Sam; Jameson, G; Goldberg, D. (2013). Synthesis and Ligand Non-Innocence of Thiolate-Ligated (N4S) Iron(II) and Nickel(II) Bis(imino)pyridine Complexes. Inorg. Chem. 52, 10467–10480.

(18) Leeladee P, Baglia R. A, Prokop K. A, Latifi R, de Visser S. P, Goldberg P. (2012). Valence Tautomerism in a High-Valent Manganese–Oxo Porphyrinoid Complex Induced by a Lewis Acid. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 10397–10400.

From Ehwa University, Postdoc Supervisor = Wonwoo Nam

(17) Latifi R., Valentine J.S., Nam W., de Visser S.P. (2012). Predictive studies of H-atom abstraction reactions by an iron(IV)-oxo corrole cation radical oxidant. Chem. Comm. 48, 3491.

(16) Latifi R., Tahsini L., Nam W., de Visser S.P. (2012). Regioselectivity of aliphatic versus aromatic hydroxylation by a nonheme iron(II)-superoxo complex. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14, 2518.

(15) Latifi R., Tahsini L., Kumar D., Sastry G.N., Nam W., de Visser S.P. (2011). Oxidative properties of a nonheme NiII(O2) complex: reactivity patterns for H-abstraction, aromatic hydroxylation and sulfoxidation. Chem. Commun. 47, 10674.

(14) de Visser S.P., Latifi R., Tahsini L. and Nam W. (2011). The axial ligand effect on aliphatic and aromatic hydroxylation by non-heme iron(IV)–oxo biomimetic complexes. Chem. Asian J. 6, 493.

 (13) Latifi R., Tahsini L., Karamzadeh B., Safari N., Nam W. and de Visser S.P. (2011). Manganese substituted Compound I of cytochrome P450 biomimetics: A comparative reactivity study of MnV-oxo versus MnIV-oxo species. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 507, 4.

From University of Manchester, Postdoc Supervisor = Sam de Visser

 (12) Annaraj J., Cho J., Kim S.U., Latifi R., de Visser S.P., Nam W. (2009). Structural characterization and remarkable axial ligand effect on the nucleophilic reactivity of a nonheme manganese(III) peroxo complex. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 4150.

(11) Latifi R., Bagherzadeh M., de Visser S.P. (2009). What is the origin of the correlation of the rate constant of substrate hydroxylation by nonheme iron(IV)-oxo complexes with the bond dissociation energy of the C–H bond of the substrate? Chem. Eur. J. 15, 6651.

(10) Kim S.J., Latifi R, Kang H.Y., Nam W., de Visser S.P. (2009). Activation of hydrocarbon C-H bonds by iodosylbenzene: how does it compare with iron(IV)-oxo oxidants? Chem. Commun. 2009, 1562.

(9) de Visser S.P., Latifi R. (2009). Carbon dioxide, a waste product in the catalytic cycle of α-ketoglutarate dependent halogenases prevents the formation of hydroxylated by-products. J. Phys. Chem. B, 113, 12.

From Sharif University of Technology, Ph.D. Supervisor = Mojtaba Bagherzadeh

Please note here that the internal regulations of Iranian universities demand that the group leader should be the first author in whole papers that are published. Therefore, Prof Bagherzadeh is first author on most publications originating from work done during the MSc and PhD studies.

(8) Bagherzadeh M., Tahsini L., Latifi R., Amani V., Ellern A. and Woo L. Keith (2009). Synthesis, X-ray structure and study of a mixed ligand iron(III) complex with tridentate Schiff base as a homogeneous catalyst in the efficient oxidation of sulfides. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 12, 476.

(7) Bagherzadeh M., Latifi R., Tahsini L., Amani V., Ellern A. and Woo L. Keith (2009). Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of oxomolybdenum(VI) complex with N,O type bidentate Schiff base ligand as a catalyst for homogonous oxidation of olefins. Polyhedron, 28, 2517.

(6) Bagherzadeh M., Latifi R. and Tahsini L. (2009). cis-Dioxo-molybdenum(VI)-oxazoline complex catalyzed epoxidation of olefins by tert-butyl hydrogenperoxide. Inorg. Chim. Acta, 362, 3698.

(5) Latifi R., Bagherzadeh M., Milne B.F., Jasper M., de Visser S.P. (2008). Density functional theory studies of oxygen and carbonate binding to a dicopper patellamide complex. J. Inorg. Biochem. 102, 2171.

(4) Bagherzadeh M., Tahsini L. and Latifi R. (2008). Efficient oxidation of olefins and sulfides catalyzed by manganese(III)-tridentate Schiff base complex using UHP as oxidant. Catal. Commun, 9, 1600.

(3) Bagherzadeh M., Tahsini L., Latifi R., Ellern A. and Woo L. Keith (2008). Synthesis, crystal structure and catalytic activity of a novel Mo(VI)–oxazoline complex in highly efficient oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides by urea hydrogen peroxide. Inorg. Chim. Acta, 361, 2019.

(2) Bagherzadeh M., Latifi R., Tahsini L., Amini M. (2008). Catalytic oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxide using manganese(III) complexes with bidentate O,N-donor oxazoline ligand and UHP oxidizing agent. Catal. Commun, 10, 196–200.

(1) Bagherzadeh M., Latifi R. and Tahsini L. (2006). Catalytic activity of manganese(III)-oxazoline complexes in urea hydrogen peroxide epoxidation of olefins: The effect of axial ligands. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 260, 163.

Selected Presentations (Lecture & Poster)

Poster: Domyati, D.; Latifi, R. and Tahsini, L. Cu(I) Complexes of Pincer Pyridine-based N-Heterocyclic Carbenes with Small Wingtips Substituents: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Sonogashira Coupling Reactions. Pentasectional ACS Meeting, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, April 2018.

Poster: Minnick, J.; Ammons, R., Latifi, R. and Tahsini, L. Synthesis and Characterization of Pincer Pyridine-Based N-Heterocyclic Carbenes with Electron Withdrawing Wingtip Substituents. Pentasectional ACS Meeting, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, April 2018.

Poster: Domyati, D.; Latifi, R. and Tahsini, L. Cu(I) Complexes of Pincer Pyridine-based N-Heterocyclic Carbenes with Small Wingtips Substituents: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Sonogashira Coupling Reactions. Midsouth Inorganic Chemists Association Meeting, Oklahoma State University, March 2018.

Poster: Nicholson, J.; Latifi, R. and Tahsini, L. Synthesis of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Nickel(II). REU Symposium, Oklahoma State University, July 2018.

Poster: Maltz, L.; Latifi, R. and Tahsini, L. Synthesis of Neutral Copper(I)-Pincer N-Heterocylic Carbene Complexes. REU Symposium, Oklahoma State University, July 2018.

2018- Boston ACS 256: Electronic and structural modulation of pincer bis (N-heterocyclic carben) copper complexes: Application in strong bonds activation and catalysis

2014-May-June: 3rd Penn State Bioinorganic workshop, and 3rd Frontiers in Metallobiochemistry Symposium.

2012-May: Oral presentation at the Department of Chemistry at Tufts University, Medford (USA), “Theoretical study of epoxidation reaction activated by monofunctionalized pyridine-azamacrocycles FeIV-oxo non-heme complexes”

2011-August: Poster presentation at the 15th International Conference of Bioinorganic Chemistry (ICBIC) in Vancouver (Canada), “Predictive Studies of Hydrogen Atom Abstraction Reactions by an Iron(IV)-Oxo Corrole Cation Radical Oxidant. Comparison between Corrole and Porphyrin Ligands.”

2011-February: Oral presentation at the Center of Biomimetic Systems, EWHA W. University in Seoul (Korea), “Theoretical studies of nonheme Mn and Fe-oxo complexes and their reactivity patterns versus substrates.”

2009-October: Oral presentation at the Department of Chemistry of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran (Iran), “Analysis of how α-ketoglutarate dependent halogenases (αKHD) enzyme does control chlorination reaction vs. hydroxylation of substrates.”

2009-April: Oral presentation at the 11th Inorganic Chemistry Conference at the Esfehan University of Technology, Esfehan (Iran), “Valence bond modelling of substrate hydroxylation by nonheme iron(IV)-oxo oxidants with a 2His/1Asp ligand motif. How does the mechanism compare with cytochrome P450?”

2008-May: Invited talk at the Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocenter, University of Manchester, Manchester (UK), “Density functional theory studies of oxygen and carbonate binding to a dicopper patellamide complex.”

2007-March: Poster presentation at the 9th Inorganic Chemistry Conference at the Semnan University, Semnan (Iran), “Catalytic activity of manganese(III)-oxazoline complexes in urea hydrogen peroxide epoxidation of olefins.”